The professional English-language MA program International Public Affairs (MIPA) is academically coordinated within the Department of Comparative Governance and European Studies (DCGES) of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (Romania). Most guest events are organized with the support of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC), part of the DCGES.



An initiative of students and teaching staff of the professional Master program International Public Affairs (MIPA) of the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Bucharest (FSPUB) and coordinated administratively by FSPUB's Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC), the uni4Ukraine platform aims to identify, monitor and present in a user-friendly format the existing initiatives that support those who flee Ukraine via Romania, irrespective of citizenship. A special attention is granted to the needs of academic refugees (i.e. students, professors, administrative and technical staff of universities) and of their families. Available in English, Romanian, Ukrainian, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at: 

European Investment Bank Summer School Luxembourg (23 June - 5 July 2025)

Open to all students of the University of Bucharest

In partnership with the European Investment Bank, IDC launches the competition for places reserved for master students of the University of Bucharest for the EIB Summer School (23 June-5 July 2025, online and in Luxembourg). Read more  

European Investment Bank Summer School Luxembourg (24 June - 6 July 2024)

Open to all students of the University of Bucharest

In partnership with the European Investment Bank, IDC launches the competition for places reserved for master students of the University of Bucharest for the EIB Summer School (24 June-6 July 2024, online and in Luxembourg). Read more  


Developed as part of the Erasmus+ project Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology (DD-Tech, 2021-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000027609, and organized by the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC) of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, and this English-language event is open to diplomats, professionals from the IT sector, academics and students, especially in international relations, computer science, law and economicsRead more  

Southeast Europe After Three Good Decades of Democratic Transition

The Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC), in partnership with the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and the Taiwan Journal for Democracy, organizes an international workshop dedicated to a reevaluation of the Southeast Europe democratization processes, while addressing also Sheri Berman's thesis on how democracy has evolved in Europe. Read more  

European Investment Bank Summer School Luxembourg (27 June - 9 July 2023)

Open to all students of the University of Bucharest

In partnership with the European Investment Bank, IDC launches the competition for 3 places reserved for master students of the University of Bucharest for the EIB Summer School in Luxembourg (27 June-9 July 2023). Read more  

IN FOCUS >> 24 & 31.03.2023
European Investment Bank

Module for MA student

In partnership with the European Investment Bank, IDC organizes on the 24th and 31st of March 2023 a special module on the functioning and the programs of the European Investment Bank (EIB). The event is open to all master students of the University of Bucharest, as well as to international exchange students at master level (CIVIS, Erasmus+, other international agreements). Students participating in the module benefit from bonus points in the selection process for the EIB Summer School in Luxembourg (27 June-9 July 2023) and can also opt for getting 3 ECTS at its completion. Read more  

IN FOCUS MODULE  >> 10.03 - 05.05.2023
De-democratization, Authoritarianism, and Electoral Revolution in Belarus

Module for BA & MA students 

Belarus has experienced remarkable political changes over the past decade. This module provides an opportunity to explore these changes, as well as the theoretical and methodological backgrounds of the social, economic and political forces that are driving them. The module reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus, such as democratization, comparative authoritarianism, electoral revolution, and communication. Read more  

SCIENTIFIC EVENT >> 23.02.2023
EU and international migration trends following the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Guest seminar & public debate

In partnership with Modul Carturesti bookshop, IDC organized on 23rd of February 2023 a guest seminar with Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor of European Union Law at the University of Leiden. The event marked one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and targeted especially students of international relations and European studies at both BA and MA level but was open to the larger public. Read more  

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT >> 01.01.2023-31.12.2025
Trust in European Democracies (TrueDEM)

Horizon Europe

University of Bucharest, through IDC - Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies, is one of 12 European partner universities and research centers in the new Horizon Europe project Trust in European Democracies (TrueDEM). Co-directed by Christian Haerpfer (World Values Survey Association) and Pippa Norris (Harvard University), the project aims primarily to collect data on political trust in several European states and to build an analytical toolkit that can be used for policy purposes. The Romanian research team is composed of IDC researchers Claudiu D. Tufiș (country manager), Luciana Alexandra Ghica and Bogdan Mihai Radu. More details

AID Review Romania & Tea with a Diplomat

International Professional Dialogue

Established almost a decade ago as a joint initiative of the University of Bucharest’s Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC) and the Romanian Association of International Cooperation and Development (ARCADIA) in partnership with the Romanian NGDO platform (FOND Romania), AID Review Romania is an annual exercise of evaluation of official development aid, humanitarian assistance and sustainability in which all the major stakeholders in the field (governmental, civil society, business, academic) discuss the local, European and global trends and challenges in development cooperation and humanitarian relief, aiming to identify how they can also coordinate better their efforts. 

On the 24th of October 2022, this edition, the first after the COVID-19 pandemic, opens with a special panel on Ukraine in the presence of  H.E. Mr. Ihor PROKOPCHUK, Ambassador of Ukraine in Romania, marking 30 years of diplomatic relations Romania-Ukraine. It also closes with a special Tea with a diplomat session, with a keynote offered by H.E. Dr. Safiya Ahmad NUHU, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Romania, in the context of the UN Day, the World Development Information Day, as well as the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy week. Read more  

SCIENTIFIC EVENT >> 22-24.09.2022
Interregnum Europe: Crisis, War and Alternative Futures

International Conference on Alternative Models for European Integration

Event developed as part of the project Nation, institutions and pandemic: challenges to the European Project and the history of Alter-European discourses supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-IDPCE-2020-2597. More details

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT >> 28.02.2022-27.02.2025
Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology (DD-Tech)

Erasmus+ KA2

University of Bucharest, through IDC - Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies, is one of the 6 European partner universities in the new Erasmus+ project Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology (DD-Tech). Led by Istanbul University, the project aims primarily to build a e-learning module on digital diplomacy which will become an open access educational resource for all partner institutions, as well as for any university who would like to use it. The Romanian research team is composed of Luciana Alexandra Ghica (country manager) and Claudiu D. Tufiș. More details

SCIENTIFIC EVENT >> 27-30.09.2021
Research methods school on corruption and corruption control analysis (CORAN)

As a joint event for SCOPE: Science of Politics, in 2021 year we partnered with the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon to offer a special online edition of the Research methods school on corruption and corruption control analysis (more details)

SCIENTIFIC EVENT >> 20-24.09.2021

7th international interdisciplinary conference of political research

Scholars across different disciplines were invited to submit papers, panels or round table proposals that treat the general theme of this year's edition (VULNERABLE IN CONTEMPORARY POLITICS) from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives, while addressing timely case-studies. Like for all previous editions, with the support of the Research Committee 33 (The Study of Political Science as a Discipline) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), we also had a special section dedicated to debating the challenges that we face in our field as political researchers. (read the full CALL FOR APPLICATIONS and access the PROGRAM).