ERRIS profile (national research entities database): 


CENTRUL PENTRU STUDII DE DEZVOLTARE ŞI COOPERARE INTERNAŢIONALĂ (IDC) este o entitate academică de cercetare ştiinţifică, învăţământ şi expertiză, cu vocaţie internaţională şi interdisciplinară, ce îşi propune să stimuleze şi să dezvolte cercetarea, inovaţia şi procesele de transmitere a cunoaşterii în domeniul studiilor internaţionale, definite în sens larg ca domeniu interdisciplinar ce investighează interacţiunea socială din perspectivă internaţională.

Centrul s-a constituit în primăvara anului 2013 pe baza programului pilot Profesionişti în Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene (ProRISE) creat în 2009 în cadrul catedrei de Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene al Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Politice a Universităţii din Bucureşti (FSPUB).

Actul oficial de înfiinţare ca unitate de cercetare a Universităţii din Bucureşti a fost emis în octombrie 2013 (Decizia Rectorului 938/24.10.2013), după aprobarea Consiliului Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Politice a Universităţii din Bucureşti (15 mai 2013), aprobarea Consiliului Ştiinţific al Universităţii din Bucureşti (30 septembrie 2013) şi aprobarea Senatului Universităţii din Bucureşti (30 septembrie 2013). 

Printr-o fericită coincidenţă, data actului de înfiinţare în cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti este aceeaşi cu data în care Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite aniversează anual Ziua Mondială a Informării cu privire la Dezvoltare (24 octombrie).

Centrul funcţionează actualmente în cadrul Departamentului Guvernare Comparată și Studii Europene al Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Politice a Universităţii din Bucureşti (FSPUB), în baza unui statut propriu, în acord cu reglementările universității privind unitățile de cercetare.


THE CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (IDC) is an academic research, teaching and know-how unit, with interdisciplinary and international vocation, that aims to stimulate and develop research, innovation and knowledge transfer in international studies, largely defined as an interdisciplinary field that explores social interaction from an international perspective.


The Centre was established in early 2013 as a development of the pilot programme Professionals in International Relations and European Studies (ProRISE) created in 2009 within the Department of International Relations and European Studies of the the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Bucharest (FSPUB).  

The official document establishing the Centre as a research unit of the University of Bucharest was issued in October 2013 (Decision of the Rector of the University of Bucharest no.938/24.10.2013, in Romanian), following the approval of the Council of the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest (15 May 2013), the Scientific Council of the University of Bucharest (30 September 2013) and the Senate of the University of Bucharest (30 September 2013), respectively.

Through a lucky coincidence, the date of the act establishing the centre at the University of Bucharest coincides with the date chosen by the United Nations to mark the World Development Information Day (24 October).

The Centre currently functions within the Department of Comparative Governance and European Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Bucharest (FSPUB), according to its own bylaws and in agreement with the university's regulations on research units


* Membru fondator | Founding member

(T)  Membru titular | Titular member

(A)  Membru asociat | Associated member

@Universitatea din Bucureşti | University of Bucharest

Dr. Ana Maria BÂRSAN* (T), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Luciana Alexandra GHICA* (T), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Ruxandra IVAN* (T), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Brînduşa NICOLAESCU (A), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Bogdana PETRICĂ* (T), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Oana Valentina SUCIU* (A), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Octavian SOFRONEA (A), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Dr. Claudiu D. TUFIŞ* (T), Faculty of Political Science (FSPUB)

Membri externi | Members outside the University of Bucharest

Dr. Diego CHECA HIDALGO* (T), University of Granada, Institute for Peace and Conflicts (Spain

Dr. Luis Macedo Pinto DE SOUSA* (T), University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences (Portugal) 

Dr. Florin FEŞNIC (T), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Admnistrative and Communication Sciences (Romania) 

Dr. Dovile JAKNIUNAITE* (T), Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Lithuania) 

Dr. Simon LIGHTFOOT* (T), University of Leeds, School of Politics and International Studies (UK)  

Dr. Marek PIETRAS* (T), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, International Relations Department (Poland) 

Dr. Bogdan Mihai RADU* (T), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Admnistrative and Communication Sciences (Romania) 

Dr. Laura SJOBERG* (T), University of Florida, Political Science Department (USA) 

Dr. Alin STANCU* (A), University of Economic Studies (ASE), Faculty of Marketing (Romania) 

Dr. Lucian VESALON* (T), West University of Timișoara, Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences (Romania) 

Dr. Stefan WOLFF* (T), University of Birmingham, College of Social Sciences (UK) 

Dr. Alan Hao YANG* (T), National Chengchi University, Institute for International Relations (Taiwan)

Alți membri fondatori | Other founding members

Dr. Teodora Maria DAGHIE*, actualmente retrasă din activitatea de cercetare științifică | no longer involved primarily in scientific research

Dr. Aparajita GANGOPADHYAY*, University of Goa, Centre for Latin American and International Studies (India) , deceased

Dr. Cosmina PAUL*, , actualmente retrasă din activitatea de cercetare științifică | no longer involved primarily in scientific research

Dr. Laurenţiu ŞTEFAN*, formerly FSPUB, currently Ambassador of Romania to Ireland

Marina Elena TĂTĂRÂM*, actualmente retrasă din activitatea de cercetare științifică | no longer involved primarily in scientific research

Membri asociați echipelor de proiect finanțate derulate în cadrul centrului | Members associated to funded projects developed through the centre  

Past members

Paula BEUDEAN (doctoral researcher), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Admnistrative and Communication Sciences (Romania): 2015-2017 

Diana Cristina BULZAN (doctoral researcher), University of Art Linz (Austria): 2021-2023

Dr. Alexandru CISTELECAN, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș, Department of Sciences and Letters (Romania): 2021-2023

Teodora Maria DAGHIE (doctoral researcher), University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science (Romania):  2015-2016

Dr. Dana DOMȘODI, University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (Romania): 2021-2023

Emilia FAUR (doctoral researcher), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy (Romania): 2021-2023 

Dr. Lorin GHIMAN, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca (Romania): 2021-2023

Cristian GOGU, Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP) Romania: 2015

Dr. Florin POENARU, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (Romania): 2021-2023

Alexandru SAVA (doctoral researcher), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy (Romania): 2021-2023

Csongor Ernő SZŐCS (doctoral researcher), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Admnistrative and Communication Sciences (Romania): 2017 

Diana VELICU, Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP) Romania: 2015

Andreea VORNICU (doctoral researcher), University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Admnistrative and Communication Sciences (Romania): 2016-2017



Dr. Luciana Alexandra GHICA (

Consiliul director | Board

Dr. Luis Macedo Pinto DE SOUSA (

Dr. Florin N. FEȘNIC (

Dr. Bogdan Mihai RADU (

Dr. Claudiu TUFIŞ (


University of Bucharest

Faculty of Political Science

Department of Comparative Governance and European Studies

Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC)

8, Spiru Haret st.

010175 Bucharest



IDC Visting Fellowship is an initiative of the centre through which we host for short research and/or lecture/teaching assignments colleagues from other universities outside Romania.  The purpose of these visits is to work together on common projects and to provide a space of academic exchanges in areas relevant for the centre's priorities. The fellowship is not paid but we may cover transport or accommodation through research grants.

Corneliu BJOLA, University of Oxford (UK): 2016-2017, 2018-2019

Akisato SUZUKI, European University Institute Florence (ITALY): 2016-2017, 2017-2018

Manès WEISKIRCHER, European University Institute Florence (ITALY): 2015-2016 


International exchange students


Duygu GUNDOGAN, Manisa Celal Bayar University (TURKEY)


Zeynep GÜNGÖRDÜ, Istanbul Medeniyet University (TURKEY) 

Jose Antonio NAVARRO ALGARATE (doctoral researcher), University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)

@Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (FSPUB)

Every academic year the centre hosts numerous FSPUB students for internships. Their tasks are usually related to the students' research interests and/or students are co-opted as part of the organizing teams of various events. The following students also took part in special internship programs designed within research projects developed at the centre and were accepted in the program through open competition. Most activities took place in English.



Cristian Mihai MEZEI



Constança BOTERO

Miruna Ioana MUSCAN


Sebastian BĂLĂNICĂ

Constança BOTERO


Lorena Veronica DODU

Diana Camelia ENE

Andrei Daniel GURGU

Miruna Ioana MUSCAN

Mădălina Maria NECOARĂ

Diandra Elena OLTEANU

Cristian Andrei RĂDUCANU

Dumitrița Gabriela ROGOJINARU

Bianca SANDU

Olivian STOICA 


Alexandra Francesca DUICĂ


Ionuț Mircea MARCU