Nation, institutions and pandemic: challenges to the European Project and the history of Alter-European discourses | Națiune, instituții și pandemie: provocările proiectului european și istoria discursurilor alter-europene (ALTER EUROPA)

This section of the IDC website is dedicated exclusively to the project Nation, institutions and pandemic: challenges to the European Project and the history of Alter-European discourses / Națiune, instituții și pandemie: provocările proiectului european și istoria discursurilor alter-europene (ALTER EUROPA) and was developed as part of work supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-IDPCE-2020-2597.

$: 1 165 992 RON / 239 467 EUR (UEFISCDI: PN-III-P4-IDPCE-2020-2597, contract no. 109/2021, 04/01/2021 - 31/12/2023)

EN: This research project aims to develop a synthetic framework of the intellectual history of the criticisms which propose Alter-European paths of organization for the continent. We will follow the development of these criticisms in a parallel line to the evolution of the European integration process that has led to the formation of the EU, starting with the post-war period. The current lack of this sort of approach has been noted in the literature, and has left the scholarly field without adequate instruments and materials to tackle the current crises within the European integration project (tensions between the dimensions of cultural identities, shortcomings of the institutional architecture of the EU, natural crises such as global pandemics, etc.). In order to achieve this, we will use an analytical model that centers around three dimensions: economic policy and class issues, nation and cultural identity, and institutional framework, thereby covering all the theoretical coordinates of both critical approaches towards the European project, as well as the diverse positions from within the mainstream integration process. The project will use a mixed-methodology, consisting in document analysis on academic texts and non-academic sources, interviews with experts, together with a historical contextualization of the ideas studied, and with the use of case-studies, in order to provide a rigorous model for the philosophical and historical analysis of Alter-European ideas.

RO: Acest proiect de cercetare urmărește să dezvolte un cadru conceptual sintetic al istoriei intelectuale a criticilor care propun traiectorii Alter-Europene de organizare a continentului. Vom urmări dezvoltarea acestor critici în paralel cu evoluția procesului de integrare europeană care a dus la formarea Uniunii Europene, începând cu perioada postbelică critici. Lipsa actuală a unei asemenea abordări apare deja ca un neajuns în literatura de specialitate, lăsând câmpul academic fără instrumentele și materialele corespunzătoare pentru a confrunta crizele actuale din interiorul proiectului de integrare europeană (tensiuni între dimensiunile identităților culturale, neajunsuri ale arhitecturii instituționale a UE, crize naturale precum pandemii globale etc.) Pentru a realiza aceasta, vom aborda problema cu un model analitic centrat pe trei dimensiuni: politici economice și probleme de clasă, națiune și identitate culturală, și cadru instituțional, astfel acoperind toate coordonatele teoretice ale abordărilor critice față de proiectul european, cât și ale diferitelor poziții din interiorul procesului de integrare ce stă la baza UE. Acest proiect va folosi o metodologie mixtă, ce va consta în analiză de documente realizată pe texte academice și pe surse non-academice, interviuri cu experți, împreună cu contextualizarea istorică a ideilor studiate și cu utilizarea unor studii de caz, pentru a oferi un model riguros pentru analiza filosofică și istorică a ideilor Alter-Europene.


Principal Investigator (PI) | Coordonator proiect: Florin POENARU (University of Bucharest, ROMANIA)

Senior researcher | Cercetător cu experiență: Alex CISTELECAN (University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș, ROMANIA)

Postdoctoral researchers | Cercetători postdoctorali: Diana DOMȘODI ( Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA), Lorin GHIMAN (University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA)

Doctoral researchers | Cercetători doctorali: Diana BULZAN (University of Art Linz, AUSTRIA) Emilia FAUR ((Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA), Alexandru-Vasile SAVA (Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA)

Florin POENARU is a lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest. He has a PhD in social anthropology from Central European University, Budapest and was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar to City University of New York. He works on issues related to class, post-socialism and global history of Eastern Europe and teaches classes on contemporary theories in sociology and anthropology. He is a co-editor of CriticAtac, founding member of LeftEast and regular contributor to Bilten. His latest book is Locuri comune: clasă, anti-comunism, stânga, Tact, 2017. He also took part in over a dozen of election monitoring missions across Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East.

Diana-Cristina BULZAN is currently a PhD student at the University of Art Linz, Austria writing a thesis on labour, cinema and artistic movements. She is developing her research in collaboration with the VALIE EXPORT Center Linz as a junior fellow.

Alex CISTELECAN is lecturer at the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș "Emil Palade” (Tg. Mures, Romania), and editor at the cultural magazine Vatra. He has published De la stânga la stânga. Lecturi critice în câmpul progresist [From Left to Left: Critical Readings in the Progressive Camp], Tact, 2019; and edited Wronging Rights: Philosophical Challenges for Human Rights (Routledge, 2011, with Aakash Singh Rathore), Plante exotice. Teoria si practica marxistilor romani [Exotic Plants: The Theory and Practice of Romanian Marxists] (Tact, 2015, with Andrei State); Ce mai rămâne din mai 68? [Legacies of May 68] (Fractalia, 2018, with Alex Ciorogar, and Secolul XXI. Istorie recentă și futurologie [The 21st Century: Recent history and futurology] (Cartier, 2021).

Dana DOMȘODI studied philosophy at the Vest University of Timișoara (2003-2007), before moving to Cluj-Napoca, where she pursued an M.A. and Phd. In Philosophy (2012) at the Babeș-Bolyai University. In 2013 she enrolled in the Phd program Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, in Pisa, Italy, from where in 2018 she obtained her second Phd with a thesis on economic migration focused on a historic-structuralist class based approach to labor migration and immigrant labor market dynamic. She was also enrolled in the Spiru Haret postdoctoral program at New Europe College (2017-2018) working on a research focused on the problem of caporalato. Currently she holds tenure (senior lecturer) in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work at the Babeș-Bolyai University. Her research interests are social history of property and production relations, classical political economy, regimes and forms of property and modern political theory.

Emilia FAUR is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She received an MA and BA in Philosophy from the same university. Her doctoral project focuses on Contimporanul’s political “ideology”. Her main field of interest is the socio-political dimension of the Romanian artistic and literary avant-gardes.

Lorin GHIMAN studied philosophy at Babeş-Bolyai-University in Cluj-Napoca (2000-2008), where he obtained his PhD with a thesis on Walter Benjamin’s concept of the political (2015). He worked as teaching assistant and research assistant on several projects at the same university (2006-2014) and in the ngo environment (2009-2012) before taking up teaching positions in the secondary education (2016-2020) and as associate lecturer at the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca (2018-2020). New Europe College alumnus (class 2017-2018). Also active as translator (philosophy, theology, psychology from German into Romanian), member of ARTLIT (Romanian Association of Literary Translators). Since 2020 holds tenure (senior lecturer) at the University of Art and Design in Cluj.

Alexandru-Vasile SAVA is a PhD candidate at the Philosophy department of Babeș-Bolyai University, where he is completing a thesis on the relationship between the ontology of time and the constitution of the subject in the philosophy of G. Deleuze. His published work covers a range of particular topics such as the formation of political identity, the ontology of contemporary forms of communication, and issues in class politics. His current research interests include, among others, the formation of the political subject, the ontology of time, French Nietzscheanism, the history of theoretical models of European integration, and Marxian political theory.



International Conference on Alternative Models for European Integration Interregnum Europe: Crisis, War and Alternative Futures. Details